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Welcome to Surfers Paradise Bridge Club.

Enjoy a game of bridge in a friendly, social atmosphere. The club offers duplicate sessions six days a week for the experienced players or introductory sessions and supervised sessions for those wanting to learn the game. We welcome new members and visitors.

We are located at 1 Carrara Street, Benowa, Gold Coast, 4217. Parking is available -the entrance is a few metres east of Carrara St in Ashmore Road. See Location Google Maps.

Surfers Paradise Bridge Club is a non profit incorporated club and, with 400 members, is one of the largest in Queensland.

Click here for a link to our Facebook page.

We have duplicate sessions 6 days a week, including separate Restricted sections - see our Sessions page for full details.

Members' table fees as low as $8.00 per session. Visitors pay $10.00 a session. Refreshments and tea/coffee included.

Graded sections available for less experienced players, and Supervised play sessions are held once a week. Regular introductory instruction is available.

(C) Altosoft and Surfers Paradise Bridge Club 2025
Site template developed by Peter Busch, Altosoft
and content managed by Surfers Paradise Bridge Club 
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